Saturday, May 29, 2010


Western Ontario District of PAOC believes in church multiplication.  Here is a video featuring New Song Church and Lifeline Church.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Kevin Saunders and I have a band called 2fish.  We are also both church planters.

Our District office is putting together a video piece about church planting and multiplication.  As part of that effort, they came to Windsor and recorded us doing my song 'Palm Of Your Hand'.  The song will be part of their upcoming promo piece.

Here it is as a stand alone music video.  It was filmed in the neighbourhood around the church I pastor.

We are available if you are looking for a band or worship leaders at your event.

Email me at for more details.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


If Jesus spoke to you in 2010 the way he spoke to people in his day, you would either love or hate him.  It would be difficult to remain neutral if you came close to him.  You would need to make a decision – follow his way or dismiss him as a cult leader.

Though revered by most religions as a great teacher, he will make all human religions squirm if they take him seriously.  He defies our religious nature and understanding of all things sacred.  Just when you think you have GOD figured out, Jesus will say something that blurs the rigid distinctions of dogma.

He entered the world in a specific context.  He was born into Judaism, a religion with a distinct heritage and understanding of being chosen by GOD.  It was a religion which understood that Jehovah demanded a passionate faithfulness to Himself.  There were no other gods beside Him.

Jesus went so far as to command his followers to seek out people and convert them to his way.  He taught and believed that GOD requires us to believe very specifically in Jesus as the unique gateway to God’s Kingdom.

Historically in the New Testament, the word proselyte denoted a person who had converted to Judaism. Though the word proselytism originally referred to Christianity, it is also used to refer to other religions’ attempts to convert people to their beliefs or even any attempt to convert people to another point of view, religious or not. Today, the connotations of the proselytizing are often negative and it is commonly used to describe attempts to force people to convert.   It is perceived as rude, intrusive and even a violation of one’s civil rights to be a member of a certain religion.[i]

If you want to offend the sensibilities of your neighbours, start talking to them about conversion.  Immediately, some will paint a caricature of the Crusades, cults and guilt-ridden sales techniques to obligate people to say a prayer to save themselves from hell.

So much of our lives are wasted battling against imaginary caricatures and perceived threats.  Christian people are no different in this regard.  We are quick to name the people, belief systems and values that challenge our sense of being right about everything.


Sunday, May 16, 2010


Some people think that Christianity is an enemy to feminism.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Jesus and the early apostles elevated the position of women above that of the surrounding cultures.  Men were told to love their wives sacrificially in the same way Christ loved his woman, the Church.

One of the metaphors to describe God’s view of the church is that of a bride.  We are the bride of Christ.  In ancient cultures of the East, a father would arrange a suitable wife for his son.

Our Father in Heaven arranged that you/we would become the Bride of His Son Jesus.

Women served as missionaries, prophets and deacons in the early days of the Church and throughout history.

Feminism began as a Christian movement to restore women to their god-given place in the church and in society.  Women are not second class citizens in the Kingdom of God.

Each church has its own unique personality.  We can say that it has a personhood.  Scripture often refers to the church as an individual, even though it is a group of people.  One of her descriptions is ‘The Bride of Christ’.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


For a few years, one of our staff members ran a parish nurse ministry at the church.  She has long since gotten married and moved on to other pastoral responsibilities with her husband John.  Laura (Hodgins) Lankin described her ministry this way:


Three years ago, a Parish Nursing ministry was born in Windsor at New Song Church by a nurse who prayed, “How can I show the love of Christ to people in a practical way?”  The response was Vital Signs Health Ministries.  This is not a highly visible ministry, but a much needed and appreciated by everyone who’s life is touched by a Parish Nurse.

A Parish Nurse is a registered nurse that is part of the pastoral leadership of a church.  Some aspects of this ministry include hospital and home visitation, praying with the sick, referrals to community resources, health promotion, assessment and counseling.  The Parish Nurses at New Song Church joined one of the parish nursing organizations called Inter-Church Health Ministries based in Oshawa for support and training.  From this partnership, we learned:

     *Parish Nurses are not just nurses working in a church building.
     *Parish Nurses do not replace or duplicate any services already offered in the community.
     *Parish Nurses do not work alone, but in collaboration with a health committee and church leadership.

Parish Nurses are specially trained to incorporate nursing care with spiritual care of the church and community.

For almost three years, I was a Parish Nurse at New Song Church.  I had the privilege of finding some potentially serious health problems and referring these people to a physician before their condition became symptomatic; praying with people in often desperate situations; organizing a smoking cessation group; lice checks; and growing to know and love the people of this inner city community and church.  Although most often behind the scenes here at New Song Church, Parish Nursing has become an intricate part of this church and community.  My hope is that other church leaders see Parish Nursing as a practical ministry to both the church and secular community.  
Laura Hodgins RN, B.TH

Monday, May 3, 2010


Each church has its own unique personality.  We can say that it has a personhood.  Scripture often refers to the church as an individual, even though it is a group of people.  One of her descriptions is ‘The Bride of Christ’.
Consider the ancient picture of a virtuous woman found in Proverbs 31.  We find a woman who was well suited to the needs of her time and responded with appropriate actions and attitudes.  It’s an ancient picture, but the heart of virtue is eternal and relevant to all of us today.
Let’s consider Proverbs 31’s description of a woman of character and use it as a metaphor for God’s People, as expressed in a local church.  As we do let’s identify the kind of church that we want to become, the kind of virtuous church that we can root our families into.  Let’s replace the ‘she’ words with ‘the church’.

Prov 31:10 – 31
10 A CHURCH of noble character who can find?  She is worth far more than rubies.
11 JESUS has full confidence in THE CHURCH and lacks nothing of value.
12 THE CHURCH brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.
The church is a group of people called by God to be His singular love.  God wants a woman He can trust.  There have been groups and individuals who have brought great harm to the Name of Christ but His Bride responds in love to him by doing good works.  The trustworthy church is one that has returned to its First Love.  She does good to her Lord and she knows that He is happy with her.


Proverbs 31:
13 THE CHURCH selects wool and flax and works with eager hands.
14 THE CHURCH is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar.
15 THE CHURCH gets up while it is still dark; THE CHURCH provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls.
16 THE CHURCH considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
17 THE CHURCH sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.
18 THE CHURCH sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night.
19 In her hand THE CHURCH holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers.
We see the virtuous woman worked with her hands, made provision for the household, sacrificed sleep to keep things going and looked for ways to prosper.  If we are to be a virtuous church, we need to overcome a welfare mentality.   Hard work combined with real love and concern will make a difference between us being a poor church and a church that is prosperous.  God has given us ways to prosper in every area.  There is a holistic prosperity that comes to those who give their heart and their back to Jesus.
What about you?  Has your love for Jesus translated into vigorous good works?  Have you found ways to care for your Lord’s household?  His Bride knows that she is loved and responds with her whole heart to care for His house.
Proverbs 31:
20 THE CHURCH opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.
The sin of the rich man was ignoring the beggar that sat at his gate.  Christ’s woman opens her arms and gives to the
poor.  We believe that when we embrace the poor we are really receiving Christ.  Our husband cares deeply, shouldn’t we?


Proverbs 31:
21 When it snows, THE CHURCH has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet.
22 She makes coverings for her bed; THE CHURCH is clothed in fine linen and purple.
As a people we need to watch out for each other and make sure that everyone has the best we can give them.  Scarlet was actually the finest clothing.  We are church that wears ‘work clothes’ when we gather.  We tend to dress down deliberately to not draw attention to ourselves.  The Pharisees were recognized for their fancy clothes, but they were not clothed in humility.  The clothing that Christ has for us is His grace.
It is not wrong for us to dress up.  Feel free if you want to.  The day will come in eternity when we will all be sharp-dressed by the Master Designer.  For now, it is good that we focus on inward adornment, what are the inner things that are pleasing to Christ?
The attitude of the virtuous woman is one of taking care of herself.  She wants to be attractive and represent her husband well.  Are you taking care of yourself to please Christ?


Proverbs 31:
23 JESUS is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
24 THE CHURCH makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes.
25 THE CHURCH is clothed with strength and dignity; THE CHURCH can laugh at the days to come.
26 THE CHURCH speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
Our good works and good dealings with the world speak well of our husband Jesus.  The virtuous church can have a positive outlook because Jesus has taught her how to be wise and faithful in the world.  We are God’s representatives and are given authority to do His Good Works in the world.

Proverbs 31:
27 THE CHURCH watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 THE CHILDREN OF THE CHURCH arise and call her blessed; JESUS also, and he praises her:
29 “Many ORGANIZATIONS do noble things, but THE CHURCH surpasses them all.”
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a CHURCH who fears the LORD is to be praised.
31 Give THE CHURCH the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
The Church is not lazy!  The fruit of her labor is a heritage of godly children.  We thank God for the hard work and strong character of those who served Jesus ahead of us.

The Church of Jesus is superior to any other organization or group of people when it comes to doing noble things.  There are many charming and beautiful people to catch your eye, but it’s a real head-turner when a church shows respect for the Lord.